Friday, 14 October 2011

Your hospital appointment through Twitter

Next week the Atrium hospital (Heerlen, the Netherlands) is starting consulting hours through Twitter. This is just a test to find out if this is an easy and a good way to replace normal consulting hours. If this is going to be a success the other doctors in the hopsital are also going to use this as a way to keep  in touch with their patients.
This is the future because it saves a lot of time because a doctor can help a lot of patients at the same time. But I do think this has a downside, because I can imagine that a lot of patients are scared to lose the face-to-face contact with their doctor.
Of course this is just a substitution for short visits or it is going to be used as a help desk for short questions of the patients. 
What do you think? Is this a good replacement for the normal consulting hours?
And is Twitter going to be used more in the future for health checks? Send me a message (click on Any Questions) to tell me what you think.

Source: de Volkskrant