Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Crisis, a hole in the market

I want to show you trends and concepts resulting from the crisis. Because one of the biggest events of this time is of course the economic crisis. It affects the whole world in a certain way and therefore it is a societal trend, also known as a megatrend. This means it creates and affects consumer and market trends. But first I need to explain the trend itself.

Resulting from the crisis two effects have occured: localisation and creativity. 
Because of the crisis more and more creative ideas are popping up to make the crisis more tolerable. We still want to satisfy our needs so we come up with the most creative concepts to be able to still live our lives in comfort and with funI’m going to show you some examples of products, initiatives, concepts tat underpin these consumer trends.

I named those two trends Local Sharification + Creative crisis. Of course the crisis led to a lot more trends, but these two are the ones I want to outline on my blog.
Local initiatives increase because the government keeps cutting off money, but doesn’t come with any solutions to the problems. Local citizens come up with new plans to keep their neighbourhood an enjoyable place to live. People share more and are more willing to help eachother.

nice interesting episode of Tegenlicht was about  thislocalisation because of the crisis. It’s really interestin and it is called 'Gaten in de markt', which means 'Holes in the market'. Holes in the market was an episode of Tegenlicht dedicated to civil initiativesIf you understand Dutch, you should really see it.

For manifestations of this trend read this, this and this

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