Tuesday, 12 March 2013

I was found

I have always loved this picture. Maybe it’s the softness or just the fact that it’s Kate Moss laying there all vulnerable and sweet, but it reminds me of me. I used to be that girl that hided behind the plants. I was vulnerable and insecure and I was always doubting if I were good enough for this world. Did people really like me or did they just feel bad for me? Who am I? Why am I here? What do I really want to do? Am I pretty enough? Do people think I’m nice? Am I a good person? Am I doing well? When is this over (referring to high school)? Eventually I would rather ‘hide behind the plants’ than showing everyone who I really was.

When I graduated high school I felt relieved. It was time to be found. And it happened. Slowly I turned from the girl behind the plants into the plant itself. A small ivy plant who can surround itself with its environment, leaving the rough surface. 

I was lost but I am found. The same as in this picture, I can’t tell who or what found me. But I guess the most important thing is that I found myself. I’m no longer a wallflower, I am a growing existence of pleasure, joy, love, happiness and inspiration. I am me.

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